Thursday 28 May 2020


'If people can clearly see the we, our, in a new or proposed project, then then are more likely to work to realise it, than if all they can see is the, your, or them'!

It is said that one cannot made an egg omelette without breaking the eggs with which to make it. 

With the same logic and wisdom, the Chinese people and government cannot become the new world's No.1 economic power without 'breaking the traditional Chinese economic, political, social and cultural model.' 

And infuse and invigorate it with the necessary aspects of the external world and countries which it aspires to draw into and make integral parts of its vision. 

Or the new constellation of nations forming the new 'Chines-inspired world. 

If China's leaders have aspirations for acquiring 'raw power', including military power, such as that which the Americans have had for many decades. 

They it can and will pursue the goal of becoming the dominant economic power in the world. 

If is to sustainably realise its aspiration to becoming the new world leader in all or most spheres.  Then it will also have to succeed in becoming the leading influencer of public opinion among the collective and collectivist bodies exercising world leadership.

This is not an unattainable objective for China and the Chinese state, but for it be achieved.

But China's leaders and elites must continue to 'break more eggs' to make the diverse but viable omelette which is to be the 'New world order.' 

An order which reflects the best attributes of all nations and people, and with in which they are reflected and can identify with. 

It should not be like the 'Americana Omlette', which appeals mostly to 'man's greed and and desire to exploit others for his own profit.'

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