'If something does not have 'relevance' in the context of human understanding of what is logical and illogical, then, does its utility not becomes questionable?
As sentient, thinking beings, us humans, individually and collectively, are always on the lookout to make sense of what our senses perceive. We are on the lookout for meaning to our lives and our existence.
Yes, it is the case that some of us have, I would argue, fallen into an exploratory rut or cul de sac, where we have stopped searching for 'meanings' in certain areas of our existence; credible ones.'
Thereby limiting our horizons and/or the ways in which we can explore, interpret and make sense of and enjoy them.
And have simply, whether reluctantly, fearfully or simply lazily, accepted the 'meanings' which we have received from those who have preceded us in the history of the evolution and advancement of our species.
In one particular case, that of religious beliefs and theories, where the believers and the faithful have been demonstrating a marked reluctance. If not dogmatic refusal to rigorously interrogate these beliefs and theories and the validity of the processes by which they have been formulated and passed down the ages.
In the matter of science, whether it pertains to medicine, physics, astronomy political thought, geology, anthropology, archaeology, maths, et al. All past or previous knowledge have been put under the intellectual, scientific and technological microscope.
All have been subjected to new and continuous study and analysis, so as to test out their validity, accuracy, and add to the accumulated knowledge.
To be continued!
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