Wednesday 10 June 2020


The corollary to which, I assume, is that, since she does not believe that 'she is mad', they must indeed be happening and she should continue to believe that these events are taking place. 

A more than usual catch 22 situation, in that she must continue to hold onto thoughts and behaviours which can be symptomatic of 'madness', in order to maintain her sense of sanity, of her 'not being mad.'

However difficult my dear mother makes herself out to be. However powerless she presents her, with the implication that I and others need to do more to take onboard and act upon the concerns she presents, even when it seems to me that there are no logical and reasonable way to do so. 

I must, I need to continue to work with the recurring dilemma which I am presented with. I am aware that my dear mother oftentimes presents herself as being extremely unhappy and dissatisfied with her situation. 

That she seems too often to be focusing on what I consider to be small issues, even if several small issues can equal a bigger issue. 

I am aware that, each time she presents what is to her a seemingly significant problem, and I appear not to have taken it onboard and come up with a solution and resolve it to her then satisfaction, she sees that as further confirmation of her state of powerlessness and insignificance.

And yet, what am I to do, when the solutions that might to be my dear mother's satisfaction would, and can only result in bigger problems for her? 

To be continued!

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