Sunday 14 June 2020


Such as that of her anxiety about being on her own and being tormented by apparent demons, could mean her being deprived of her comparative independence in her own home, and being placed in a care home?

Or when taking up all or each of the concerns she raises about this and that persons, would risk causing unnecessary pain and loses her their goodwill?

Sometimes, however, even when there are no black and while or only black and white, we do need to try to see it from the other person's perspective, however limited and delusional that perspective might be, or appear to be. 

Which is why there are times when I do act upon my dear mother's revelation and raise things she related to me, even at the risk of appearing to make a fool of myself and/or causing unnecessary offence to the person she is complaining about.

Not to do so would only reinforce her belief that she is 'not being listened to and taken serious.' Something which is not going to do any good to her mental health.

None of this prevents me from taking the 'tough love approach' towards dealing with my dear mother at times. 

As it the case with her often reversion to complaining about her door being banged and her bell being ring late at nights. 

A situation which I have sought to resolve, undoubtedly not entirely to her satisfaction, by giving her some further reassurance and then two options. 

To be continued!

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