Tuesday 30 June 2020


Like the tide of the sea, which when it is energised, has the momentum to reach far onto the shores of the beach, or, in the case of a tsunami, the hinterland.  

It does recedes back into the ocean, after its catapulting energy is lost, abated, and it loses its grip and momentum. 

So, also, is the true corrective potential of the anti-racism tsunami, fated not to achieve all of its true potential, in, as it were, one fell swoop. 

Change, sustainable and deliberate changes engineered by us human, have tended, like evolution, to be gradual. 

Taking place and then having to be consolidated, before the next gradual advance is made.  While all the time minimising the opportunities for the enemies of the changes to roll them back.

This, then, is the primary reason why, however massive is the retreat and/or defeat of the forces of racism, and significant is the advance of its opposing forces. 

This new phase of the struggle is very unlikely to result in the latter winning it over the former. 

As we can expect that some amount of fatigue will set in, and the forces of racism will, over time, roll back some of the advances of the forces of anti-racism. 

But that should not be a cause of  despair by Black Lives Matter, and its allies. Instead, it should be seen as both normal and expected. 

What is most important is to ensure that the trend of the advances being made by the umbrella or rainbow Black Lives Matter and its allied forces,  against the forces of institutional and social racism. 

Continue to be bigger than the gains made by the latter, through their deliberate action, and/or with the assistance of societal complacency, social and political changes, and inertia. 

As it has undoubtedly been, sofar, in this momentous year of 2020, for which some feeling of euphoria is certainly warranted.

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