Tuesday 16 June 2020


'All Lives Matter, which is why Black Lives Matter. We are we, the human race, which is inclusive and made up of all of us people of different ethnic origins. 

Black people do not claim to be unique or exceptional, even though history has had a tendency to treat black people as if they/we are of less value and consideration than the white tribes of Europe and America.' 

Which is why we are, people of all ethnic tribes, here in 2020, declaring and striving to achieve the vision of #BlackLivesMatter'

 Judging from the righteous and justified outpouring of collective anger, rage at and condemnation of the American police and institutional racism. 

For continuing to murder black citizens with apparent impunity, it seems a timely moment to ask or pose the question: 

'Will it, or probably more accurately, how much more different will it be this time? 

When the justified and reasonable anger, rage and calm but powerful emotions have abated somewhat, will things have fundamentally and positively changed this time? 

This time during or after the understandable outpouring of our collective human revulsion at the fact that there seems to be no ending of this madness? 

This apparent belief by the American police force that the lives of African Americans have no value and does not worth more that the price of a bullet or some bullets?

To be continued!

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