Thursday 18 June 2020


'In the struggle against racism and racial oppression, unity is strength. Unity amongst those who are being oppressed and unity between them and those who are perceived as the children and beneficiaries of the oppressors. 

Let the people unite under the Banner of Black Lives Matters, because All Lives Matters!'

I mean, we have seen civil unrest, both peaceful and violent, in American cities and neighbourhoods before. 

None of this is new. For the younger generations, the people who probably form the biggest detachment of the current 'warriors against racism,'

With more advanced media technology, the increased dissemination of poignant and stirring images and verbal accounts of black people resisting and rebelling against their suffering under the yoke of America's slave-ocratic conditions.  

Might appear to be a new phenomenon, but this is far from being so. 

It goes back probably as far and even before the end of the American Civil war in the last half of the 1860s. 

Those of us who were born up to the end first half of the 20th Century, 1950, are likely to have seen and/or heard accounts of the fiery spasms of irrepressible anger and outrage. 

Which black Americans, in their seemingly perpetual moments of despair, had vented on their own neighbourhoods and cities. 

As if the oppression of the systematic racism which impacts on all aspects of their beings and lives. 

To be continued!

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