Monday 22 June 2020


'If we are the product of our environment, and are unable to reach above it for factor X, then are we doomed to continue to repeat the problems and misery which the conditions of our making have made of us. Our goal must be that of making 1 plus 1 more than 2, and 2 plus 2 more than 4.'

It remains a still very divided, along ethnic and colour lines, a still very unequal and inequitable nation, along economic, ethnic and political lines. 

And a very elitist and ruthlessly competitive nation, in which not man, it seems, wants to be his/her/ brother's or sister's keeper. 

It is obsessed with principle of everybody competing against everybody else.

But of course, a great deal of new obstacles have been added to the circumstances of black Americans as well. 

Catastrophes which almost seem to be unfixable. Like the governmental policies which have buried black neighbourhoods in drugs, with its associated violence and crime. 

Which has robbed the people of their health and destroyed or greatly diminished their employability and income level.  

Increased their failure in the education, weaken their family structure, and increase the deprivation of their neighbourhoods.

At the same time, creating a vast pool of actual and prospective and potential supply for the American judicial and penal industrial complex.

To be continued!

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