Wednesday 10 June 2020


After each killing of their innocent sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, brothers and sister, old and young people by criminal individuals or the police. 

Before things quieten down and calm is restored and the circle is again negligently closed, before the next  callous murder/s is perpetrated and, by design or default, is seized upon and escalates into becoming a causus belli.

So, again, is it going to be different this time, and, if so, is the difference going to be effective and timely in significantly and endurably remove the scourge of  endemic and institutionalised and functional racism from American society? And brought about the age of real freedom, justness and equality for all Americans?

We will probably know the answer within the next 6 months, after we have the outcome of America's Presidential Election!!!!

But, in the meantime, it is great to see how people are coming from all strands and spectrum of society, in American as all over the world.  

To peacefully but forcefully demand more freedom and equality for people of colour, and for all people who, for reasons of ethnicity, religious beliefs, political beliefs, gender and sexual orientation, poverty, et al, are being unjustly discriminated against.

It is the case that changes; positive changes, will take take to be brought about. Even though the irony is that, necessary as this time is to bring about the desired transformation of our societies, of American society, time can also be the ally of those who make it their business to resist this transformation. 

They will know their history and be aware that the collective we have been here before; years ago, decades ago. 

They will have the uprisings of the 1960s, of the 1970s, the 1980s and 1990s in mind. They will know that each generation has apparently to been cursed or blessed or both, to re-fight the same 'old struggles.' 

They will know that in every struggle there are advances and setbacks, and be hoping that the advocates, the fighters for change to improved conditions, will not be able to keep the momentum going and will become tired, frustrated, fatigued, and disenchanted and give up the struggle. 

And it is the challenge of the advocates of fundamental changes in racist Americana' to prove the exponents of endemically racist Americana wrong.

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