Wednesday 8 July 2020


And so it is that, as was the 'Black Death' for our ancestors, the question that Covid-19 poses for us who are now living in the present, is this: 

'Will it, Covid-19, changes our lives, or, rather, how we live our lives, fundamentally? 

Which is to say, radically different from how we were living before, and, if so, permanently?

If we were to take a historical or evolutionary approach towards analysing the impact of covid-19.  

On how we who are affected by it respond, then, making statements such as 'we cannot return to the old normal,'' and must look to evolving 'the new normal,' would not seem to be the buzz words or statements they appear to be. 

Outside of the context of historical and evolutionary processes. The fact is that, 'normal' is no less than a process. 

It is not a constant or permanent state. It might not be always obvious, but things, different and sometimes the same things, are always changing and being changed. 

Even if they might be doing so different levels of predictiveness in the changes. 

We know that the seasons of the year change, and we anticipate and plan for the impact of the expected changes on our living. 

We know that there have been major changes over the past centuries, some of which have been gradual and others rapid. 

And, with those changes, such as the development of the telephone, radio, TV, camera, electric light, aeroplanes, ships, cars, etc, 'old norms' have been replaced with 'new norms.'

So, while we might think that we do strive to return to what we call 'the normal', this is not really the case.

How we live our lives, will, indeed, be fundamentally changed, as it has continued to be throughout the history of our species, though the pace and some of the kinds of changes will probably be at a faster than usual rate, they will be quite normal.

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