It seems reasonable, therefore, that we could draw the conclusion that God has never helped any humans.
Despite the fact that humans are always asking him to help them/us.
Why this should be so we do not know, except for the probably obvious one; that God does not exist.
Or that he does not get involved in the affairs of humans.
Having abandoned them/us, after our putative ancestors, Adam and Eve, had a row with him.
Telling God that they wanted to have the freedom to think and express themselves as adults.
We are told, by the religious and the faithful, the believers in God, that he rules the world.
That he is omniscient and omnipotent, he is the most powerful being or entity in the celestial world.
And despite all of this, when we look at the world which us humans have made, the societies we have established and developed.
We see a tremendous amount of chaos and misery. All under the watch of God.
To be continued!
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