It is a fact that, even when it is fortunate enough to be able to meet one or more specific objective.
Such as providing education for a children of a certain age, or health care for all its citizens. This situation is unlikely to pertain ad infinitum.
A nation, it seems, will oftentimes during its history, become a hostage to fate.
It will be like a ship on the open sea, travelling in different direction in pursuit of a mystical but unachievable destination.
Being at the mercy of its latest leader, government and global circumstances over which they have little or no control.
And so it is that us humans are not being practical, but idealistic, in thinking, hoping, that at some point in the future.
In this and/or the proverbial next life, all of us will be living 'the life' of prosperity and happiness.
It is not possible, or probable, as that is not how the world, the universe works.
To be continued!
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