Tuesday, 29 December 2020



Will she desist from occasionally moving in front of her WF and, with one hand behind her, drag it from behind her and position it in front of her?

These are questions about my dear mother that consistently flash up onto my retina, as I visually observes her and listens to the things she says and infers.

But there are also others. Such as, will there not come a time when my dear mother becomes immobile to the point where she is no longer able use her walking frame to move about her small palace? 

When she no longer has the strength to heave herself up from a sitting position, as she tries to steady herself with the frame and move lift up and move one foot, and then the other? 

As I look at her now, not so much elegantly and adeptly lifting up her feet and walking, but rather shuffling her foot along. 

As it, like a truculent child or an unwilling domestic animal digging its heal in and declaring its refusal to walk willing with its owner. 

And yet, despite this obvious difficulty, my dear mother, unknowingly, still causes me more than usual anxiety.  

But sometimes moving, unsteadily, like a young child learning to walk, but with the experience of an adult.  As she balances herself by having both arms held up above her shoulders, at an angle, with her feet somewhat splayed.  

As she dashes towards the nearest supporting wall or door to her.

Yes, how will this impending life event develops before it comes to an end? 

To be continued!

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