Saturday, 23 January 2021



Yes, it seems to have been our fate to move about upon the earth.  

Whether it be with the use of 'shanks pony', our feet, or by canoes and boats, and then horses, wagons, ships and now aeroplanes. 

It has been our fate to move hither and thither. When the land we live on is no longer able to sustain us, we must move or decline and die on it. 

When the country in which we live, is no longer able to sustain us or all of us. 

Either because the crops have tended to fail, or drought or floods and other calamities befall us, or we have become too numerous for all of us to continue to be sustained. 

Then must we move to a new place which has the resources to sustain us. 

But first, we must have the permission of the current occupiers, tenants of the land, citizens of the countries we aspire to move to. 

And herein lies the major obstacle, challenge, in that all legal entries into a foreign country, have more than ever become conditional. 

The 'right to enter another country' is not a sacred right. In fact, it is less of a 'right' and more of  'a privilege.' 

Nations' close and diligently guard their borders to keep non-nationals out. 

We can legally exercise our 'privilege' to travel, but only if we have the required paperwork or documentation. 

Which meet the conditions this and that country has set for 'aliens' or non-nationals to enter their country.

To be continued!

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