Thursday, 7 January 2021



There is, of course, no 'god-given right' for anybody to be able to 'speak freely', at any and every time. 

There has never been such a right amongst any people or country at anytime during the history of our species. 

Our freedom to speak our thoughts and our ideas freely, has always been circumscribed, prescribed or restricted by various customs, traditions and our status in society. 

There has been and are religious, political, cultural, social and legal impediments governing our freedom to speak freely. 

There is no absolute freedom to speak our mind. 

Especially when doing so challenges or can be interpreted as challenging the dominant government, religious and law enforcement powers in the land.

And so it is that, at the end of the day, using a clique.  

There is probably always going to be a chasm between the presumption to have 'the right to free speech', and the individual's ability or capacity to exercise that 'presumed right.' 

The size of the chasm between having 'the right' and being able to exercise it.  

Will also be influenced, if not determined, by the governing circumstances, including any cultural, legal, religious or social prohibition.  And place and time where the individual/s happen to find themselves. 

We have seen this, probably most recently in the protests in Hong Kong.

To be continued!

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