Friday, 5 February 2021



The human child does not born with any innate sense of fear, or, indeed, love of what he/she will encounter in the light of the world, as it were. 

As we develop and are taught about what is expected of us.  

So are we initiated into what we should fear and avoid. What we should love, value and aspire towards and move to attain or achieve.

And what is probably the top of the list of the things we should or are taught to fear? 

Yes, it is probably the act of dying, whether it is us who are doing the dying, or it is people we love. 

And, what is, probably most ironically, at the top of the list of the things to be valued, love and aspired towards? 

Yes, life. Life which we have told by the United Nations Convention on Human Rights, that each of us 'have a right to have' and enjoy.

And yet, how can we be said to have 'a right to life', if we are not allowed to have and exercise what could be seen as the 'corollary right'. 

To be continued!

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