Tuesday, 29 June 2021



And how is my dear mother getting on at present, you might be thinking; wondering?

Well, it is or can be ever so difficult to find the right or approximate words or phrases to try to accurately describe how I think my dear mother is getting on a lot of times. 

Indeed, as I compose this post and reflect on it, I find myself considering whether it is those times when I have to think about how she is getting on, that she is not doing too good, as it were.

There is no doubt that my dear mother, in terms of her mood, her temperament and general demeanour, continues to maintain a peaceful existence, as it were. 

With regards to her appetite, her eating and her enjoyment of her food, the situation continues to be one of forlorn hope. 

No real and consistent progress appears to be being made. Few, if any, are likely to be the occasions when anybody preparing or bringing my dear mother food. 

Are likely to be blessed with her exclaiming how she has enjoyed it, and leading to the provider being imbued with that feeling of, 'I have done it; she ate and enjoyed my food!'

No madam. My dear mother's appetite and taste for her food is currently non-existent, and, sadly, there seems to be very little chances of her regaining either. 

Of course, it could do so much to lighten the feeling of not being appreciated, of failure in finding the formula for providing my dear mother with foods she likes, and which is prepared how she likes it, so that she can enjoy eating again. 

To be continued!

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