We do not expect white elites and the middle classes to give up their wealth to poor and working class white people, to get them out of poverty. That is not how humans, especially contemporary humans behave.
So, why would or should anybody expect that the white elites, never mind the ordinary white working classes and poor people, would, or should do it for black people and people of colour?
It is neither rational, nor is it the most desirable way to heal the wounds and hurt feelings about the past. Black and other people of colour only have to turn the mirror on themselves and address the question to persons they are looking at in it.
'If it were you, would you do what you are asking white people to do?'
Would you honestly give up what or some of what you have worked for, and hand it over to the descendants of people whom your ancestors or forefathers had enslaved and oppressed.
Even though they are the descendants and not the actual people who were enslaved, and you did not participate in that system of oppression?
Even though, in a general sense, you might have accrued certain advantages and even privileges from the system which have emanated from the dissolution of the system of slavery?
Hell, no, I suspect that no sane person would willingly agree to do so. Irrespective of how imbued they are with the Christian doctrine about the children paying for the sins of their fathers.
Yes, fathers, because it is usually fathers, men who instigate the oppression of other men and women.
To be continued!
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