Saturday, 21 August 2021



Of course there is also another side to all of this, which is the emotional and psychological pain and distress which my dear mother might be suffering as she moves inexorably towards the abyss. 

In social work, there is the perspective which holds that emotional abuse of  a child, at least some types of emotional abuse, can be more potent or damaging than some kinds of physical abuse. 

And so it is that, as I watch my dear mother in her prolonged moments of silence, of sitting and then closing her eyes and seemingly drifting off. 

That I find myself contemplating where she is? What is happen in her mind, in her consciousness at these times? 

These moments, minutes of not appearing to be with me, or what is taking place in the environment which is external to her? 

Does she fall asleep at these times or does she actually take leave of what is happening? 

And then, there are the other times when I do gaze upon my dear mother, from near or afar, as it were, and beheld her very still body and wonder if she is still alive? 

Like I would watch a young baby for signs of life, for signs that the child is indeed inhaling and exhaling, so do I watch my dear mother, just in case she has slipped away without me knowing. 

Now, how likely is it that such a thing could or might happen? Surely it is likely, but probably no as likely as I might think.

And, what are my thoughts, you might be thinking or contemplating, as I watch or monitor my dear mother from afar? 

To be continued!

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