Wednesday, 4 August 2021



Posing the question, as it were, about the 'case for having children', presupposed that there is a choice as to whether humans, as opposed to individuals, have a choice on whether or not to have children. 

And broadly speaking, as it were, I am of the opinion that such a choice does not really exist. 

Us humans, as opposed to couple A,B or C, do not have  choice about having children. 

Having children is something which is written into our DNA. 

We, as a species, do not have as say in the process; we are hardwired, pre-programmed to procreate, to have children and keep our species going. 

The bodies of both the male and the female of our species have evolved with the complementary chemical and physical chemistry which naturally, instinctively lead us into the kind of interaction, activities that result in sexual intercourse.  

Or, probably more basic, mating, and to the woman becoming pregnant and having children. 

Indeed, though we might think of a woman becoming pregnant and having children after having sex, as a by-product.  

Of the desire, the struggle of our species to continue to survive.  It is the pleasure, the satisfaction from having sex, which is the actual by-product of the process. 

The evolutionary purpose of having sex is the procreational one. The driving need, the primordial purpose it to keep the species going. 

The pleasure and the satisfaction that us humans get from sex between a man and a woman.  

Is no more that the inducement, the reinforcement to continue to have sex repeatedly, so that the woman can become pregnant and ensure the survival of our species.

To be continued!

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