The concept and practice of collective punishment, with the children paying for the 'sins of their father.'
Can be just as unjust and iniquitous, unfair, as that of the children being heirs to the ill-gotten titles and wealth of their fathers.
Not to mention how ironic it should be, that, the same source, The Bible, used to give legitimacy to the dictum requiring the children to 'pay for the sins of their fathers.'
Is also one of the main sources which has been used by 'the architects and purveyors' of the racism which is used to legitimises the past enslavement of one race, by the elites of another race.
Just as how racist theorists have 'studied' aspects of the physiology and cultures of some black and native peoples and draw general and extensive conclusions about their intellect and behaviours.
So, should black people avoid doing the same when they place their prisms on white people; as opposed to 'the white man.'
Should they not avoid perceiving of all white people as having been responsible for the enslavement of their ancestors? Since it was certainly not the case that all of the ancestors of white people were slave-owners and/part of the slave-industry?
Just as how all Romans were not free-men and senators and part of the ruling elites.
The 'white man' should be seen for what he is; a stereotypical creation, a composition of facts, fiction and fallacy about 'the white man.' .
Just as how the 'black man' or 'black people' is a social creation or construct of facts, fiction, fallacy and expectations about 'what black people are.'
To be continued
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