Friday, 24 September 2021



Well, I think that it would be accurate to say my dear mother is currently on an even keel, as it were. 

I have not observed any noticeable decline in my dear mother's mental of physical state within the past several weeks. 

Based on what she has been doing, my dear mother has the capacity and motivation to exist her bedroom and make her way, on her own and/or without her walking frame, to the other rooms in her apartment. 

It is of course, the case that her capacity and motivation to make these forays, will be influenced by her psychological and physical state and her energy level at any given time. 

But this is just as it is for many others. In terms of her appetite, it does appear that my dear mother has made a bit of improvement in her consumption of ordinary foods of the lighter varieties. 

Soft food which she does not have to chew too much and, it appears, finding it difficult or uncomfortable to swallow. 

Nevertheless, this problem of her reduced appetite remains a major one, although it has now been transformed into and been resolved by making it a 'menu' problem. 

As we are now satisfied that my dear mother is having enough nutrient in the foods and drinks she is encouraged to have each day, there is no serious concern for her health.

So, it is not about the food that satiates her hunger, or the drink that quenches her thirst which preoccupies or occupies my dear mother's contemplative thoughts now. It is something else. 

Something which, it seems, she cannot readily identifies and think about and organises her thoughts and make them known to those to whom she would like to disclose them. 

To be continued!

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