Saturday, 30 October 2021



That, like it has been in so many other things, it has been promoting the art of deception, selfish, self-interested, and machivellianistic.

And the lesson that the people of Afghanistan have to learn from this debacle, is that people have only themselves to depend on to build the society they aspire towards. 

Therefore, it makes good sense for them to make it easier on themselves, by applying the necessary degree of tolerance and reasonableness. 

To eschew the path of extremism and irrationality, so that there can be more common ground between all the peoples of Afghanistan to unite, cooperate and build their nation. 

And herein lies the biggest challenge for the Taliban administration. Do they want to be a conduit or enabler for a better Afghanistan? 

Or do they want to deprive the people of a future, by effectively amputating the nation's feet and hands, and forbid the people from developing and applying their intellect to building their country?

It is a crime against both humans and God - for those who still believe - for a country such as Afghanistan to be made desperate and desolate.  

For no other reason than that its current leaders should be prioritising what they see as the country's 'spiritual or religious welfare', over the people's physical and mental welfare. 

It is the latter which is the primary responsibility of government, while the former can appropriately be left to the people to decide how they go about meeting that responsibility.

As Prophet Isa is reported to have said, 'Render unto Caesar the things that are his, and to 'God' the things which are his.' 

It is not the responsibility of any government or state to presume to be acting on behalf of God, who has not spoken to any living person, neither can any truly declare that he/she has seen him.

Neither can the success or failure of a government be judged on whether or not it has been able to 'achieve paradise for the people.

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