Friday, 8 October 2021



They might have been great poets and word architects who have created or composed beautify and inspiring verses, but they are, like you and me, just human. 

But there is nothing divine or theocratic about their sometimes beautiful, sometimes fearful and terrible, sometimes sagacious, sometimes romantic, sometimes deranged and paranoid formulations.

So, will I continue to read for my dear mother? I guess we shall see. I am not sure that it would be right for me to continue to read for her, only because I enjoy doing so. 

If she is not getting anything out of it, I fear that I might feel fraudulent in continuing to read 'for me', as opposed to, 'for her.'

The is a saying that we should sometimes take life, or, probably more accurately, living, a day at a time, and so it should be, even more so at the age of my dear mother. 

After all, who is to say when she will be in that optimum 'frame of mind' when she sees or perceives things more clearly than she has been doing? 

Who is to say when she will relish that particular drink or food which she has been turning her nose up at each and everytime it is suggested to her? 

After all, how many times have I suggested a certain food to my dear mother, only to have her respond saying she has been having it every day. 

When I am only too aware that there is the same amount of that specific food in her cupboard.  Which suggests that, either there is some kind of miraculous replenishment is going on.  

To be continued!

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