Friday, 25 February 2022



And so it was that we gathered, at it were, at the cemetery to place my dear mother into the earth from whence we evolve, toiled to cover her coffin with it. 

Had I not resolved to allow the professional grave-workers to carry out this strenuous task? Yes, I had.  

But I had not taken into account the insistence of the Revd. Pitts on maintaining tradition; including members of the congregation, including family members, taking responsibility for filling the grave.

Having completed this stage of the process, it was time to say our final goodbye to the physical body of my dear mother, and make our way to the designated place for having the reception. 

Which we duly did, and was welcomed by a hot cup of delicious soup and a bread cob. 

To be followed by a more substantial meal of rice and peas, white rice, vegetarian curry, and curried mutton. 

And as I enjoy the reception/setup, and watched others doing so, as they make re-acquaintances with friends and relatives they, I might not have seen or spoken to since the last wedding or funeral we happened to have attended together, enjoyed this getting together. 

I began to contemplate on how long before we would all resort to living our lives how we had been living it before this poignant occasion of my dear mother's passing? 

After all, how paradoxical is it, that an occasion like this, which has provided the opportunity for a family truce.  

Should also be the very occasion, event which will or could bring to an end the need for me to continuing to visit PCV.?  

And to bring to an end the relationship I have established with the many caring and valued professionals and others who have had the opportunity to travel with me and my dear mother, to the end of her journey. 

The carers, district nurses, podiatrists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, GPs, chemists, PCV staff members, both paid and voluntary workers. 

The visiting church members, friends and others who have been playing significant and valuable roles in of my dear mother's life over the past years.

And what now? I must let go, even as my dear mother has had to exhale for the last time for eternity. 

But yes, this is what is required of me; that I let go of some the things and the people who, like my dear mother, have become a significant part of this stage of my life, in my capacity of caring for my dear mother in her latter years. 

That I give appropriate contemplation to the ending of her journey, her physical journey, and continue with living and enjoying mine, while and until it lasts. 

Because this is, as it were, the circle and the purpose of live; that it be lived and enjoyed throughout the succeeding generations.

I shall continue to remember my dear mother and cherish the memories I carry of her, but I will not say, RIP, my dear mother, 

Because I know only too well that, resting in peace is the natural state of the dead or those who have passed. 

And that it is only the living who have need of 'resting in peace' from the challenges of living.

My thanks to all those who have followed me along this stage of my life's journey. May your be peaceful and mostly enjoyable!!!

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