Friday, 22 April 2022



It takes only one leader, usually a man, to orchestrate and start a war or a national nation-building project, but it is the whole nation which has to bear the cost.

President Putin had expected to wage a 'Blitzkrieg War', probably even a so-called 'surgical strike or 'Special Operations' invasion against Ukraine. 

He had anticipated that the tremendous might of the Russian armed forces partly surrounding Ukraine would have resulted in the quick capitulation of the Ukrainian state, with minimal death and destruction. 

But that did not occur, as is often the unpredictable way of wars. 

Instead, the Ukrainians, similar to how Russian patriots fought against Hitler's armies invading Russian during the WW2. Have so far given the Russian forces more than the proverbial 'bloody nose.' 

At the same time, this war is proving to be a terrifying trauma for the Ukrainians, with seemingly unimaginable devastation being brought upon them and thousands of their living places, their cities, towns and villages.

But the increasing cost for Russia, is likely to be much more than President Putin had estimated it would have been, 

With the costly relative failure of Russian military equipment and battle plans and their implementation. 

Along with the 'international community's support of Ukraine and ostracism of Russia, has so far resulted in Russia  losing more than anything it might have gained from this catastrophic military adventurism.

For the Ukranians, this war has been a terrifying trauma, with probably unimaginable devastation being brought upon them and their living places.

And yes, it is a fact that President Putin's ascent to and holding of power has also been credibly associated with a phenomenon that could be called 'state racketeering.'  

The cut-price selling-off and give-away of the wealth of the former Soviet Union, to individuals and groups who would make massive profits from reselling them later.

The 'carpet-bagging' and fraudulent robbery of state owned industries and businesses by opportunistic and dishonest Russians. 

Who would later became known as 'the Russian Oligarchy.' And the disreputable 'friends and facilitators' of Putin's Presidency.

As to whether President Putin was a curse or a blessing to Russia and the Russian people, and to Russia's friends and enemies abroad. 

Well, he has been both, as it is rare for any of us to be only a blessing or a curse, as the tendency is for all of us to be situated along the spectrum of both. 

It is really about the balance; whether one is more of a curse or a blessing during his/her, our life time. 

That is a judgement which should be left to the Russian and Ukrainian people, their friends and enemies abroad, and to the historians.

'We should never forget that, the primary role of wars, irrespective of what the ' selfless or nihilistic warrior-spirit in us might say', is that of destroying people, property and societies.'

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