Tuesday 1 October 2024



If the platitude of Arab national leaders were intended or could be efficacious, then, the Palestinian people would have long been freed, Lebanon would not have been attacked by Israel they way they have now been, and Israel would not have been able to kill so many of Hezbollah's leaders and fighters. 

The Heroes of Hamas would not have been so grievously decimated, and Palestinians would not have had to die and been maimed in such high and unconscionable numbers.

These grievous injustices have been done to the Palestinians and the Lebanese, like they have been done to the Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni and Libyan people, because of the cowardice, the complicity and  the active participation of Arab leaders who are actively working  with Israel and the United States. 

Corrupt leaders who live and acquire their wealth and political power in the countries of their birth, but have given up their people to work in bondage to Israel and the United States. 

Leaders who make much ado about Islam, but who think and live "the American Dream." Leaders who, despite the revolutions of leaders of the past who have done so much to advance so many Arab and African countries, have selfishly reoccupied the the enlightened spaces in their countries, like leeches and barnacles. 

Taking their countries nowhere other than to become cogs in the Zionist project which the world has become. Arab leaders who, not being satisfied with not helping the Resistance, are actively enabling and supporting it. 

Allowing the Israels and Americans and the rest of the Coalition of the Damned, to use their countries' airspaces, to billet their armies in their countries, and to attack the Resistance from their territories,

And so it is that, over the past 40-50 years, Arab leaders and Arab nations have not made the advances should have made by now,. 

They are still under the thumb, the boots of the White Man and Woman as ever they had been. They are still aspire to 'be like the White Man and Woman.' They are wearing 'The White Mast' as if  it has always adorned their faces.

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